And the winner is...

The best entry that I found in my classmates' blog is shalalalala!
It's seems very nice to me because I can know that without we know, we think the same about the pedagogy, even when we life in different countries, I saw so many blogs that thinks almost the same but it's the most interesting for me, she has a passion like me, and it could change the future, maybe we don't are so many people but we always can contribute with one granite of sand.

Why I want to be an English teacher

I want to be an English teacher because the education is my passion, I think that you could change the world just being a teacher, you really MAKE your students brain and their thinking about the life, you're their examples about how to be, if you wanna be a teacher maybe it's because you had a really good teacher in your education, or not?. I know that you can understand me, and why I choose english? because is a tool really necessary in the present and I think that no anyone can log in to it but in the future when I'll be an English teacher I wanna do free clases for the more needy.

My worst English teacher

My worst English teacher was in the highschool, in my opinion she doesn't know how to make her job, I think that she just like the English but she doesn't like be a teacher because everytime she came to my classroom she had a very bad temper, in occasions she didn't know the material very well and when we corrected she, she didn't accept it and she lose her temper. I think that for I won't be like her I have to love my work and my career and take in mind that it's for all my life and my education will be in all my students' life.

My best English teacher

My best English teacher wasn't in the highschool, she was in a institute of English in Providencia. Her name is Elizabeth Alvarado, for me she was and is the best English teacher in all the world because she educates with so much love and she is a person in who you really can trust. When I'll be an English teacher I wanna be like she, I remember that wanna be teacher since I was a child but when I met she I knew that I wanna be an ENGLISH teacher. She is my inspiration and I still saw she fridays in the afternoon, I've seen how she educates her new students and she still be of the same form, she is my best english teacher and I really wanna be like her.
Tiny Hand With Heart