Why I want to be an English teacher

I want to be an English teacher because the education is my passion, I think that you could change the world just being a teacher, you really MAKE your students brain and their thinking about the life, you're their examples about how to be, if you wanna be a teacher maybe it's because you had a really good teacher in your education, or not?. I know that you can understand me, and why I choose english? because is a tool really necessary in the present and I think that no anyone can log in to it but in the future when I'll be an English teacher I wanna do free clases for the more needy.

8 comentarios:

  1. It's nice to read that you are excited about being a teacher. As you said "you make your student's brain" and that's what makes it exciting! Teachers have the power of changing society ! In a good way of course. :D

    1. Yeah obvious in a good way. We got the power, yeeieeeh. hahaha, is nice to saw that you're agree with me :). Pedadogy is the best career ever.

  2. Many times we do not agree on several things, but it's great to see that we think the same about education and teaching.....Ooohhhhh!!! I like your blog, its beautiful

    1. Yeah, we have different personalities because you're very very correct and it's perfect but i'm very very inmoral :( hahaha just like Ninoska says xD, but if we think the same about pedagogy is a very good think, the passion of our careers makes our invincible lml!!

  3. I think you're absolutely right! My teachers taught to me everything I now in an academic way. I also think that teaching is passion and passion can be lend to many people who want to learn. It's really nice to read somthing like that, because I know that many people think just like you.

    1. Is really rewarding thinks and saw that another persons thinks like me because is the only way that we can change the bad education and make the difference, if you have the passion you must to do it, without think about the things against you :).

  4. I feel the same! We can make the difference, change in a positive way lives of children. It's a big responsabilitie, but also, as you said, a passion.

    1. Yeah is a big responsibility, I think that it's the biggest because you're the base of all your students' life, but if you have a passion on it, you everytime can do the difference, make the difference especially in this country where the education isn't very good :(.


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